How to Rotate the Centers on a 3x3 Picture or Shape-Mod Cube

90 Degree Rotation

If you have centers that are rotated by 90 degrees then there will always be 2, 4 or 6 centers that need to be solved by 90 degree rotation. Rotating one center clockwise, will rotate another center anti-clockwise. 

Hold the cube with the centers to be rotated in the Left and Top (Up) faces. 

The following steps will rotate the center on the left Clockwise whilst also rotating the center on the top anti-clockwise

Rotate Centers 90degrees

The following steps will rotate the center on the left Clockwise whilst also rotating the center on the top anti-clockwise

Rotate centers 90 degrees anti-clockwise

180 Degree Rotation

The following steps will rotate the center on the Top face 180 degrees.

Rotate 180

 These algorithms can also be used on shape-mod cubes like a fisher cube, windmill cube, axis cube etc. 

See video instructions below:




This was helpful and the video gave a great example of when you may need it!



Many, many thanks! A friend mixed up my multi-patterned Rubik’s Cube that I just bought, and I thought I would never be able to see it fully completed again since a regular cube solver couldn’t fix this rotation issue… Awesome! :)



i always wondered if there ever was a patterned cube how the centers would line up.. with just colours it was never a thought, but with patterns it is a thought. nice job explaining how to line them up.

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